## Metals

### Precious Metals
Precious metals are rare and generally very valuable. All occur in natural elemental forms, but are most commonly used in jewelry as alloys.

- [Silver](/wiki/materials/silver)
- [Gold](/wiki/materials/gold)
- [Platinum](/wiki/materials/platinum)

### Base Metals
Base metals are cheaper and generally more readily available than precious metals, but can still be used as the main material in a piece.

- [Copper](/wiki/materials/copper)
- [Brass](/wiki/materials/brass)
- [Nickel](/wiki/materials/nickel)

## Polymers

## Natural Materials
Natural materials can make for interesting jewelry pieces as well.

- [Wood](/wiki/materials/wood)
- [Stone](/wiki/materials/stone)
- [Bone](/wiki/materials/bone)

## Gems (Precious  and Semi-Precious Stones)